Recommended for expert specialists who prefer Adhesive with extremely fast drying time and longer lasting period. It requires fast application for longer lasting time result since glue dries very quickly.
Lasting Period : 4 to 5 weeks. Drying Time : 2 to 3 seconds. Viscosity : Very Thin. Odor / Irritation : Not Very High. Skill Level : Expert Specialist.
Our most popular Adhesive with less odor and irritation to the eye area but keep enough lasting time for customer satisfaction. Very flexible even after...
Specially designed for sensitive skin, eyes, and lower lashes. Odorless and minimal irritation during application. Lasting Period : 2 weeks.Drying Time : 10 seconds.Viscosity :...
This acetone-free gel remover is designed to minimize risk of irritating the eye area due to its thicker viscosity compared to the thinner liquid remover.